8,783 Votos
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7 dias restante
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La seguridad valora cada voz, y tu voto demuestra la importancia y el impacto de garantizar que tu voz, y la de todos, se escuche y se valore en el lugar de trabajo.

Por eso, te pedimos que votes por la razón que mejor representa por qué estás personalmente comprometido a valorar cada voz (elige una opción):

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¿Cómo demuestras tu compromiso para valorar cada voz en el lugar de trabajo?

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Tu voz y tu voto marcan la diferencia

Gracias por participar en Mi voz, mi voto. Revisaremos tu respuesta y es posible que la publiquemos en el sitio web y las redes sociales de la Semana de la Seguridad. Vuelve a consultar la posición actualizada y el progreso de tu empresa durante los días previos a la Semana de la Seguridad.

Consulta cuál es la posición de tu empresa
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Posiciones actualizadas
Cuando valoras cada voz, generas más confianza y respeto dentro de los equipos.
Valorar cada voz te permite hacer que cada lugar de trabajo, proyecto y equipo sean más seguros.
Asegurarnos de que cada persona se sienta vista, escuchada y apoyada fortalece nuestra cultura de seguridad.
Escuchar todas las ideas (buenas o malas, grandes o pequeñas) puede generar un cambio positivo en la seguridad de nuestros lugares de trabajo.

Tabla de posiciones de Mi voz, mi voto

La tabla de posiciones clasifica a las empresas en función de su nivel de participación. La participación de cada empresa se calcula y clasifica según el porcentaje del total de empleados que enviaron su voto. Asegúrate de consultar la tabla de posiciones en cualquier momento hasta la Semana de la Seguridad para seguir el progreso de tu empresa. La posición general de la empresa no influirá en la revisión de las respuestas escritas ni en el proceso de selección de los ganadores.

¿NO ENCUENTTRAS A TU EMPRESA EN LA LISTA? Comunícate con la persona encargada de la Semana de la Seguridad en tu empresa y pídele que inscriba a tu empresa para que aparezca en la tabla de posiciones.

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103 Empresas
Total de empresas que participan
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Pequeñas empresas
Medianas empresas
Grandes empresas
100% de los empleados votaron
2/2 empleados
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21% de los empleados votaron
211/1000 empleados
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141/738 empleados
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42% de los empleados votaron
1470/3500 empleados
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Ver tabla de posiciones completa

Votos de toda la industria

Te invitamos a leer algunas de las inspiradoras historias que se han presentado como parte de Mi voz, mi voto.
Jeff Schmidt
"On the job site I make sure I walk and talk to as many people as I can, I try to open up a two-way line of communication that allows people to come to me anytime they feel that they may have a problem on or off the job site and make sure I build the trust within the work community. I want them to know that their voice matters and that We appreciate and recognize and want to recognize every comment and question. "
Safety manager
Alberici Constructors
Weldon Rankin
"During ORM’s include whole team in the ORM and make sure if any of the team members have concerns that they can voice them during the ORM or if they don’t feel comfortable speaking in front of people they can voice concerns after ORM. "
Electrician 1
Daniel Lopez
"By listening with compassion and an understanding of the person who's speaking, treating him/her with the upmost respect assuring them that their voice is heard. "
Regional EHS Leader
DPR Construction
Baishali Chatterjee
"Talk to all personnels irrespective of position. Listen and make people feel seen and included. Not many people do that, they love to be in their own favorite groups. Its very important to make new hires feel welcome. Not just the colleagues but the Management people also should talk to all not just a few people who they know. A welcoming smile or good morning/thank you goes a long way for people to feel appreciated and valued. Only pointing out mistakes and not appreciating efforts and things done good and on time may be detrimental to ones performance."
Electrical Design Engineer
Alex Radcliffe
"Everyone from General Supt to a first day apprentice have different and unique experiences. Each brings its own value and insight into approaching how work is performed. No matter the tenure, age or any other factor every persons opinion adds value and insight when we talking about safety and construction in general. "
Project Manager
Jonathan Yeich
"I take the time to engage the employees around me, take notes on what they say, and most importantly, take action. Listening to People, regardless of position or company gives us the ability to take in what they see and their knowledge to make everyone safely lost their job site."
Hensel Phelps
Nick Gonzales
"First, you need to ask for others opinions. Many people have great ideas but don't say anything. Second, when someone offers an idea or opinion, be respectful in the response and create a culture that this is a safe (pun intended) place to speak. Third, take action and follow up. You can't take action on every idea but show that they were considered and this why we chose this option to move forward. "
Vice President
Bouten Construction Company
Abby Humphrey
"I demonstrate valuing every voice by making things personal. Taking the time to listen to someones story and make a point to let them know I've heard, understood, and will take action on something they may need. When someone feels valued individually it leaves a bigger impact on them and they are more likely to share that safety attitude. "
Project Engineer
Manhattan Construction Company
Russ McKellips
"Safety is a job task. It is a family. Communication is key to keeping family safe. Everyone counts"
Bouten Construction Company
Mark Gusman
"Listening to all opinions good or bad "
Construction laborer
Granite Construction
Richard Zoller
"We talk about safety every day in our daily huddle meeting and throughout the day and week. "
Bouten Construction Company
Madeleine Smith
"I model the listening I want to see at the workplace."
Technical Writer
Barnard Construction Company
Jasmine Unger
"Regardless of level of experience, we all sometimes see things differently that others can't. By listening to everyone feedback, team members feel valued & tend to go beyond to do the best job they can, that including more safety design. "
Process Engineer
Patrick Amaris
"By showing up and supporting our safety culture. "
Regional private markets manager
Granite Construction
Ryan Rohleder
"I don't ever pass up an opportunity to an encourage someone, listen to someone, or empower someone.."
EHS Director
Katie Knight
"I make sure to check in with every"
VDC Manager
DPR Construction
Adrian Rodriguez
"By interacting with everyone in the job site helping them if they need help that way it will be easier and safer for everyone and always listening to the ideas of everyone,two brains think better than one but how about 3 or 4 or 5 or more brains together working as a teamwork making better ideas and decisions for any situation or any task at work."
Hensel Phelps
Christopher Keim
"As part of my dedication to ensuring that each voice in our workplace is valued, I am a strong advocate for cultivating a setting where open dialogue and reciprocal respect are the norm. I prioritize active listening when interacting with my team members, irrespective of their role or length of service. I recognize that each person carries a distinct viewpoint and a wealth of experiences that can enrich our shared objectives."
Project Manger
Manhattan Constructiion
Jason Degraffenreid
"Creating a workplace where every voice is valued and respected requires a multifaceted approach rooted in inclusivity, empathy, and accountability. I encourage this with active listening, inspiring participation, and fostering open communication to ensure that all team members feel heard and valued. I believe that showing respect for diversity is paramount, with efforts to celebrate and recognize the unique contributions of individuals from various backgrounds, while also promoting equal opportunities and addressing bias and discrimination are essential for fostering a truly inclusive environment on Hensel Phelps work sites. I try to lead by example, seeking feedback, and holding everyone accountable are crucial steps in this journey. Additionally, having all team members on the project generate initiatives such as creating safe spaces, offering flexible work policies, and promoting mentorship and sponsorship programs contribute to fostering a culture of inclusivity. Organizations should also prioritize continuous learning, measure progress, and engage in community partnerships to drive meaningful change both internally and externally, which is something I strive for everyday, while also ensuring all of our employees recognize the importance of this as well. By implementing these strategies, my company, Hensel Phelps, and all crew members can demonstrate a genuine commitment to valuing every voice in the workplace and create a culture where all employees feel respected, empowered, and included."
Project Engineer
Jim Day
"By being willing to listen to everyone on the job and then backing it up with prompt action."
General foreman/carpenter
Bouten Construction Company
Kreg Shelby
"Listen and make sure people feel seen and heard. "
Project Executive
Bouten Construction Company
Kristine Holtzer
"I am not afraid to stop something that is unsafe and see if we can do it in a better safer way."
Jason Horner
"I continue to connect with people in the way that suits them personally and within our teams."
HRIS Analyst
Granite Construction
Justin Anderson
"By giving respect and courtesy to all suggestions and creating a welcoming conversation on all fronts."
Granite Construction
Liz Huber
"Being approachable and showing humility are ways I demonstrate every voice in the workplace. Building relationships with peers and within my team helps to build trust and rapport. Asking for my team's perspectives and thoughts is a consistent practice to give them the floor to voice their concerns and opinions. I think the most important piece in valuing every voice is ensuring my demeanor is welcoming and that others feel connected. This creates more organic discussions to hear team members' thoughts."
Finance Senior Manager
Ara Choe
"I demonstrate my commitment to valuing every voice by actively encouraging my colleagues to share their thoughts and concerns during safety meetings. In the construction job site, I regularly checked in with my team to get their feedback and provided anonymous channels for them to voice issues. These small steps foster transparency and show my dedication to the wellbeing of everyone on the job site."
Lucky Parrado
"By supporting the many safety campaigns in our company"
Leo Keefe
"by responding to every voice to assure them that they are heard "
Johnny Harris
"One thing Lehman-Roberts has taught me working here is it takes a team. It takes everyone working together with the common goal of putting safety first so that Way we can all go home to our families and friends. The job at hand is very important but not near as important as our well-being truth is we all come to work to support our family so it is not worth getting hurt on a job over trying to get it done too fast we look after each other like a family because we spend as much time with the people we work with as we do at home deserves to be heard to come up with the rat solution in any job we work on "
Plant operator
Douglas Rorke
"As a leader, staying positive and reassuring teammates of their positive attributes "
Field Ops Manager
Dave Rooke
"It’s important to build relationships with craft workers in the field so that you develop a level of trust with them so that they will be comfortable opening up to you with questions or concerns. "
Senior Project Manager
Sam Evans
"Listening and committing whole heartedly to my that I will do my best to represent safety across the board, while holding my team accountable to do the same so that everyone goes home safe everyday."
Project Manager
Hensel Phelps
Tyler Bowen
"Asking our workers everyday how things are going both on the job, and personally, to make sure there is nothing standing in the way of them getting through the shift safely. When there is an opportunity to solve a problem, big or small, we work together to solve it immediately."
Carpenter Foreman
Bouten Construction Company
Kannan Shajahan
"Be flexible adaptable "
Assistant safety officer
Rendle Mones
"Living and growing up in Hawaii, we are taught and reminded of the values that are important to the Hawaiian culture. One of those values is Kuleana, which means "Responsibility". In my current position with my company as an Office Engineer, it is my Kuleana to ensure that we have collected all the safety plans and documentation before the work starts. This may seem like a mundane task. However, I see it as a huge opportunity to review the safety plans with the Foremen to identify and mitigate all of the possible hazards for the work that is being performed. I would rather identify the hazard and make adjustments in the planning phase where the workers are not exposed to it. Versus, if it were caught while the work was being performed then that means the worker had to have been exposed to the unplanned hazard, which we want to avoid. In my previous position as a Field Engineer, it was my Kuleana to make sure that our craft/trades workers had all of the tools and supplies that they needed to safely perform their work. Our craft/trades workers are also told that it is their Kuleana to communicate with me on how I can support them. I may know the general idea of the work that is going to be executed, however, the tradesperson knows the technical details of the work. I constantly let them that it is extremely important to communicate with each other because they may see something that I don't see and vice versa as well. By keeping each other accountable, we value the other person's point of view."
Office Engineer
Hensel Phelps
James Putnam
"Listening to everyone's ideas and talking about each one builds a stronger team."
Bouten Construction Company
Bret Warriner
"I value commitment to every voice in the workplace, by making sure that a culture is created on the jobsite that everyone can be heard and takes a personal stake in creating the safest environment possible. It does not matter how big or small the issue, it’s important that every aspect is looked at from the PM to down to the field crews. Safety is everyone’s responsibility and it is the upmost importance that people buy into it personally. A lot of things take place everyday and things can be overlooked, but if everyone adopts a mindset to be constantly looking out for each other and doing activities safely it will create a safe environment and culture that funnels down to job after job."
Project Engineer
Alberici Constructors
Corey Brown
"By asking for ideas and opinions from our team when coming across obstacles "
Paul Wilson
"I demonstrate my commitment to valuing every voice in the workplace by actively listening with my full attention and maintaining eye contact. I believe in understanding perspectives before responding, fostering an environment, where everyone feels heard and respected. PFW "
Director of Pre-construction
Alberici Constructors
Crystalline Meshell
"As a former Girl Scout and troop leader, it was my responsibility to ensure that all the girls participated in activities in a safe environment and in a safe manner. Whether it was swimming, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, camping, or traveling, safety has always been a guiding principle in my personal and professional life. Recently, when I realized that an action I was taking at home with a ladder was unsafe, I recalled the advice given to me by our safety manager. He taught me the importance of pausing before attempting something unsafe and seeking assistance to execute it safely. The culture of open communication and empowerment fostered by our managers serves as a model for us to do the same for ourselves and others. We all have a voice to raise any concerns, whether related to safety or otherwise, regardless of whether we agree or not. All my coworkers are encouraged to actively participate in ensuring safety and to freely express themselves at work. My commitment to my community and my coworkers is to speak up and ensure that we are all safe. That's the Five-S way."
Data Entry Clerk
Five-S Group
George Rinker
"Improving safety in the workplace is not just about strict adherence to standards, policies, procedures and guidelines, it requires changing individuals' mindset towards taking the steps to work safer and show a genuine concern for their own and other's well-being. As a Project Manager I am not in the field performing the dangerous tasks the tradesmen and women of our industry are exposed to every day. By valuing every voice; addressing every complaint or concern, listening to every suggestion, and learning from those more experienced than me; I can show that I am genuinely concerned for each and every person that enters the project site. Valuing every voice and following through on commitments to make changes builds trust within the workforce and makes it easier for other to speak up."
Assistant Project Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Tyler Johnson
"I personally make an effort to listen to others, without interrupting, even if I don’t agree. I encourage and support open communication on the jobsite to all everyone to have a voice and bring forward ideas or express concerns. "
Project Manager
Hensel Phelps
Carl Gardiner
"I make sure everyone understands that the person with no experience has a say about the operation. A new person may see things that a person with a lot of years may have missed because they are looking at a site in different ways."
Safety officer
Bentley Companies
Fernando Trujillo
"On meetings, field briefings and while working with personnel from the project on daily basis"
Project manager
Alberici Constructors
Jill Wilson
"I listen and communicate with my colleagues and appreciate their value to the Team."
Treasury Analyst
Granite Construction
John O'Brien
"I am constantly doing my part to ensure a safe job site for example reminding apprentices our safety policies and speaking up to those long time employees who may have adapted bad practices. I also enjoy hearing all sub contractors and our employees suggestions and improvements on saftey. After all is said everyone on a Boldt jobsite deserves to go home to there family unharmed everyday."
The Boldt Company
Nils Nelson
"I commit to valuing every voice by encouraging and soliciting everyone to have the chance to talk in every interaction, and then intentionally and actively listening. This puts people and their thoughts at the center of the discussion and therefore decisions and actions."
Manager of Lean
Brian Elmore
"Demonstrating a commitment to valuing every voice in the workplace entails active listening, inclusive decision-making, and ongoing feedback. Creating an environment where all employees are comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions is crucial. This can be fostered by setting up regular team meetings that promote open dialogue. Moreover, brainstorming collaboratively often yields better results than doing so individually. Embracing a family-first mentality means that when one member faces challenges, everyone pitches in to improve the situation, recognizing the importance of each member in the family."
Project Management
Zachery Moquin
"Safety is a team effort that requires active participation from everyone involved in the work both for planning and day-to-day activities. Every team member, regardless of position, has the responsibility to protect the life and limb those not just those on the jobsite, but for the public as well. I actively encourage and remind workers of their right to stop work and/or report any potential hazards and means of improvement. If it does not look or seem right, say something - there are no repercussions or issues to small. These are the people most directly affected by the work and are more likely to observe hazards than the management team. This means that your most effective method of identifying and correcting hazards before they become problematic lies with those at the lowest levels of the hierarchy. If all voices are not valued starting with the labor force, no voices are valued and respect is lost. In this situation, you will be reacting to hazards and incidents rather than proactively avoiding them."
Assistant project Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Adam Davis
"I make it a point to get to know the workers on the site. When they feel comfortable with us as leaders, they are more likely to voice their concerns or give positive, constructive feedback"
Project Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
James Henderson
"Listen and learn no one knows everything ! Engage with full team "
Project management
Kannan Shajahan
"Communicate effectively "
Assistant safety officer
Bill Bonner
"All employees are important I don't elevate my position as being more important than others. "
Sr. PM
Manhattan Construction Company
Corey Janvrin
"I try to create relationships with the people we work with every day. Get to know a little bit about them and their personal lives. I don't want to know everything, just what is important to them and what drives them to go home safe every day. We all have something whether its parents, wives, children, and pets that keep us going and moving forward after a long day or week of work."
Project Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Dave Weister
"Get to know everyone’s name. Address them by their name and make eye contact with them. Saying good morning or how is your day going, goes a long way. People will open up to you if they know you truly care about their thoughts and concerns."
Safety Manager
Joel Donnelly
"All it takes is to commit yourself to meeting and commingling with folks on site. Build a report and show we’re not in our own swimlanes, but all in the pool together!"
Project Engineer / Manager
DPR Construction
Aaron Storm
"As a manager, I’m responsible for soliciting my team’s input on safety matters and ensuring their input is both forwarded to and considered by those with more direct responsibility than me for implementing Granite’s safety program. "
Associate General Counsel
Granite Construction
Roy Pinch
"The more eyes the better! If all of us are looking out for one another, we will identify and mitigate more risks. By valuing every voice, we keep people engaged by letting them know that we are listening to and appropriately acting upon their perceptions and concerns. The more we get everyone engaged, the safer we will keep each other. "
Area Superintendent
Hensel Phelps
Kristina Jaramillo
"Listening to my peers and making sure they are heard"
Audrey Weldon
"First, actively listening to all perspectives without prejudice or bias is essential. This means creating an environment where individuals feel comfortable, expressing their ideas and opinions, regardless of their position or background. Encouraging open communication channels, and actively seeking input from all team members fosters inclusivity and ensures that diverse viewpoints are considered. Additionally, promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives within the organization reinforces the value placed on every voice. Taking concrete steps to address issues of inequality when they arise, demonstrates a commitment to valuing every voice. This may involve implementing fair and transparent decision-making processes, advocating for equal opportunities for all employees, and addressing any instances of discrimination or harassment promptly and effectively. Overall, demonstrating a commitment to valuing every voice in the workplace requires ongoing dedication, active listening, and proactive efforts to create an inclusive environment for all employees. "
Administrative Assistant
Manhattan Construction Company
Dewayne Bradford
"Hear what others have to say "
Machine operator
Alberici Constructors
Joshua Farias
"I demonstrate commitment to valuing every voice in the workplace by making sure anyone who tells me an idea about anything feels respected and heard. Nothing causes more harm to a company than people being afraid to speak their minds about an issue because of the fear of being judged or ridiculed."
Project Engineer
Manhattan Construction Company
Leonid Prilepskiy
"Listen and provide safe environment to your team to be part of it "
Quality Control Manger at Wharton project
Granite Construction
Ryan Huntress
" Every worker on a jobsite is unique and requires a personal touch in order to effectively communicate with. From shy to outspoke, timid to hot headed, clumsy to coordinated, it's important to acknowledge that everyone operates differently. With this inherent difference comes a beautiful reality centered around individuality, that when brought together, creates a diverse workplace. By getting to know your coworker's personality type, a relationship is forged that allows you to better understand their wants, needs, gripes, and differences. In turn, developing the skill of active listening which helps the communicator feel heard and more likely for their wants and needs to be met. Whether you are able to fix their problems or not, feeling heard and validated is vital to the success of a homogenous workplace. Through active listening, investing in those around you, and taking to heart the issues of others, I commit to valuing the voice of those around me. "
Project Engineer
Manhattan Constructiion
Joanna Wojcik
"I make sure to listen, process and speak to what people tell me. I always say, God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. "
Project Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Dean Ramineh
"Advocating, supporting, taking action, setting expectations and goals, and commitment from every trade in the workplace to support each other, be their brother's keeper, and lead by example on safety for themselves and, above all, to go home to their family every day. "
Sr. Safety Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Sheila Smith
"I listen to everyone as a sounding board without judgement. I am just at the reception desk but I have found if everyone feels included and respected not only does it build trust but it also cuts down on the stress in the atmosphere and for my co-workers."
Executive Assistant
Manhattan Construction Company
"I demonstrate my commitment to valuing every voice in the workplace by implementing several key actions: 1. Active Listening: Actively listen to every team member's ideas, concerns, and feedback without judgment or interruption. Make sure everyone feels heard and understood. 2. Inclusive Decision-Making: Encourage diverse perspectives in decision-making processes. Ensure that all voices are considered before making any significant decisions. 3. Equal Opportunities: Provide equal opportunities for everyone to contribute and advance within the organization regardless of their background, identity, or position. 4. Diverse Representation: Strive for diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the workplace, including hiring, promotions, and leadership positions. 5. Open Communication: Foster an environment of open communication where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions without fear of backlash or discrimination. 6. Feedback Mechanisms: Establish feedback mechanisms where employees can provide input on company policies, culture, and practices anonymously if needed. 7. Training and Education: Offer training and education on diversity, equity, and inclusion to all employees to increase awareness and understanding of different perspectives and experiences. 8. Addressing Bias: Actively work to address and mitigate unconscious bias in all aspects of the workplace, including hiring, performance evaluations, and project assignments. 9. Supportive Environment: Create a supportive environment where individuals feel safe to be themselves and are encouraged to bring their whole selves to work. 10. Accountability: Hold individuals and the organization accountable for any behaviors or actions that undermine the value of every voice in the workplace, and take appropriate steps to address and rectify them. By consistently demonstrating these actions, you can show your commitment to valuing every voice in the workplace and create a more inclusive, equitable and safe work environment for all."
Sr. Project Engineer
Manhattan Construction Company
Andrea Nelson
"I believe that every individual brings a unique perspective, experience, and insight to the table. By considering diverse viewpoints, it will lead to better outcomes."
Risk Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Philip Moores
"As a manager, I get input from the field before making a production decision decision."
Project manager
Granite Construction
Pete Cavallini
"Group discussions and encourage speak up/listen up. We are all on the same team. "
Granite Construction
Matt Hall
"Make sure to solicit input from all team members. "
Chief Estimator
Granite Construction
Brad Freeman
"Always have time for people- we make time for what's important to us. "
Sr Project Controls Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Chad Kendrick
"Taking the time to get out of the office, walk the project and interact with our subcontractors on a personal level and first name basis. I feel this builds a certain level of trust that can benefit MCC in certain circumstances. "
Sr. Project Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Jacob-Paul Tatum
"Job sites consist of various levels of expertise and job descriptions however safety has no job title designation. I make a point to let every worker onsite understand that safety is everyone's job not only to follow but enforce as well. Canceling the idea of "not me, not my problem" is a key focus of mine to instill across the board. We all are a cohesive unit and should not only self-govern but aid our fellow construction professionals with a reminder when we notice unsafe work practices and conditions. Oftentimes, something as foundational as wearing the required PPE for the job can make the difference between a zero-incident workday and a tragic accident due to negligence. We must keep safety at the forefront of our brains at all times and being a visual example and unafraid to speak up when I recognize unsafe practices will remain my approach whenever I am on the job site. "
Project Engineer
Manhattan Constructiion
Devin Jones
"One on one connections with my trade partners. Understanding their point of view and coordinating safety decision to best protect them and others around. It is imperative to collaborate with individuals who perform in place work to create the best means and methods of doing things right and safely. Hear them, learn from them, and coach them to create a safe work environment for all."
Assistant Superintendent
Manhattan Construction Company
preston campos
"i worked in the field for about 11 years with Manhattan and have seen and understand things get done unsafe and now I'm on the safety side i know i can help prevent little things from experience. "
safety manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Peter Epper
"By providing feedback on all suggestions made. If the suggestion is not implemented, follow up with reasons why and continue to encourage participation. If the suggestion is incorporated, roll out to the group and be sure to give credit to the individual that made the suggestion. "
Project Manager II
Granite Construction
Anthony QUAST
"It is important for everyone to have a voice in safety because not everyone has the same outlook on a situation. Empowering people with the ability to say something if they see something develops a stronger relationship with safety as we are all looking out for each other. "
Construction Management
Wayne Kirchstein
"Safety begins within us on an individual level. I assure that I have the proper PPE, remain vigilant to potential hazards and maintain general safety awareness. To take the time to watch and observe that tasks are being conducted safely. Recognize and commend safe work practices. Make the time to talk to folks and hear about the things that are going on and what matters to them. It's in those moments where we can promote a safe site the most."
Senior Project Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Jim Whitten
"I listen to each person on the jobs concerns, views, excuses, reasons and suggestions since most good safety ideas seem to come from the frontline worker it also gives me a chance to respond to their comments in the appropriate manner. This seems to make that individual connected to situation to keep safety up front or help correct their mistakes."
Construction Specialists
Granite Construction
Mike Parkinson
"I try to take one safety "action" each day on the job site."
Project Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Tracy Johnson
"The first step is to make sure we give everyone an opportunity to speak openly, or discretely, about safety issues and concerns. The Bouten Team opens the floor to everyone at our weekly safety huddles, and we have an open door policy to listen to individuals discretely in our office or via text messages. The second, and equally important step is to make sure we provide action in response to the concerns. Quick, decisive steps to address the concerns demonstrates to everyone that they have a voice and we will always listen and react."
Sr. Project Manager
Bouten Construction Company
Lyn Ross
"As a Team of Builders every voice is important and valued."
Contract Administrator
Manhattan Construction Company
Charles Paschold
"I demonstrate my commitment by showing respect to everyone I work with. I believe that respect is paramount to building relationships. This in turn leads to better communication and understanding, which works to build a positive safety culture. I am open to everyone's ideas, and bringing everyone involved to table when it comes to their health and safety. I helped develop a reporting tool for my company, "Take Charge", which empowers our field staff to speak up about safety concerns and safety victories. This open line of communication makes it easy for them to provide feedback and ideas for improvement in real time."
Safety Professional
Joel Price
"At Manhattan Construction, we encourage everyone if they see something, then say something. This empowers everyone at the jobsite to feel like it is their responsibility to contribute to a safe working environment."
Project Manager
Manhattan Construction Company
Alicia Gonzales
"I always listen to every person's opinion and make sure they feel safe and heard when at work. "
Sr. Project Engineer
Manhattan Construction Company
Penny Lindblom
"By giving resources and having processes to assist all employees in the field and administratively. The two kinds of employees need to communicate and collaborate on all aspects of keeping the job sites safe. The employee being empowered to have a voice and knows it, contributes to this communication. The freedom to express concerns about job safety is never ignored. "
Safety Director/Officer and NCCER Trainer
Zach Clausing
"I take the time to listen to the ideas of all members of the team."
Field Engineer
Hensel Phelps
Alex Buswell
"I feel some people are timid when trying to express their thoughts or concerns on safety or efficiency, due to previous experiences and developed trauma on previous job sites. It’s important that everyone has a voice and it is heard. The one idea that slipped through the cracks could have saved someone an injury or worse. I demonstrate my commitment by listening to coworkers ideas, questioning those ideas, and figuring out the best way to implement those ideas in my day to day work."
Apprentice electrician
Drew Edwards
"I demonstrate my commitment to valuing every voice in the workplace by recognizing, acknowledging, and validating my team members often. I believe this is an effective way to motivate and engage my team while also creating a culture where everyone has a voice."
Construction Engineer
Granite Construction
David Maddock
"Listening and asking questions."
Safety Specialist
Heather Owen
"As a workplace that values continuous improvement it’s vital to listen to each employees voice. There are good and bad processes in every project and making sure we hear how it went and how it can be better is the only way to make things better. Taking a step back to look at lessons learned from each team member is the best way to ensure each person is having their voice heard. "
VDC Coordinator
Brian Nahas
"Create both the opportunity and the space to allow others to share their voice, perspective, and opportunities to improve or coach others through a situation. In doing so, we drive consistency in giving and receiving feedback, elevating outcomes, and including new and diverse input. "
Director of VDC
Silas Dupuy
"Safety is a core value for our company. I know that I can only have one perspective on a situation. By asking for input and what others think, we are better able to cover every angle and make sure we are working safely and not overlooking any potential hazards. "
Construction Technology Manager
Five-S Group
Ryan MacDonald
"I always take the time to listen to co-workers opinions."
Business Development Assistant
Bouten Construction Company
Bradford Novy
"It is my job as a front line supervisor to ensure every single person that comes on our jobsite feels empowered to contribute to our safety culture. That means listening to everyone at every level, initiating corrective actions based on feedback, and then following up to ensure the concerns are properly addressed. Doing this ensures everyone has a voice at our jobsite and feels heard. It develops a trust that our frontline supervisors takes everyone's concerns on safety seriously and is committed to the goal of zero injuries. "
Project Manager
Granite Construction
Natalie Elkins
"Making sure employees feel comfortable and safe. Employees should feel valued and supported when it comes to safety and issues that arise. Employees should understand that we are here for them and we listen to all their needs. "
Skilled Helper
"Make sure my team has an opportunity to have their voice heard, regardless of their title. In meetings, I call on people randomly making sure everyone speaks, if desired. If time is limited, I gather ideas from the team prior to meetings for a summary. I also listen attentively and consider their contributions as well as give feedback."
JV Accountant
Granite Construction
Jeremiah Winstead
"We as a company strive to make sure that all employees know and understand that our line of communication no matter what the situation is are always open and we take great effort in giving everyone the opportunity to give feedback on what is working or what may need to change, without fear of any repercussions."
Safety Director
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